Farewell Gift
What can I say? I was floundering about, wondering where to even start or how I could get a group of people together to honor and celebrate Pete’s life in the way and to the degree he deserved.
I was so very sad and feeling lost – and afraid that I come away from the ceremony disappointed that it didn’t measure up to all that Pete was to me and to so many others.
And then you came along with your magic gift of encouraging me to share my heart with you so we could work together in perfect harmony and bring to light the full dimension of who Pete was. You said that all you wanted was the best for me – and you really meant it.
Bless you ~ M.L.
When a loved one passes on, “telling his or her Life Story in full color” is a wonderful farewell gift to that person and to his or her family and friends.
I understand that when a person passes on, loved ones can feel overwhelmed with the multitude of tasks they face, and I am deeply honored when families engage my services to work with them to co-create a beautiful Celebration of Life ceremony.
I have a degree in Social Work, and I really listen. I am an experienced and gifted writer, and I am committed to “getting the story right.” Finally, I am an engaging speaker with the ability pull it all together and make it a personalized, fulfilling and unforgettable experience.
Steve Lawrence
Certified Funeral Celebrant